Amendment 83 established sector allocations of Pacific Cod TAC for each gear and operation type in the Western and Central GOA Pacific cod fisheries after deductions for Alaska state GHL fisheries allocations. In both regulatory areas, the sectors are jig, hook-and-line catcher/processor (C/P), pot catcher vessel (CV) and C/P combined, trawl C/P, trawl CV, and hook-and-line CV; however, in the Central GOA, the hook-and-line CV sector is further divided by vessel length. In the Central GOA, hook-and-line CVs less than 50 ft (15.2 m) LOA (< 50 ft (15.2 m) LOA) are in one sector and hook-and-line CVs greater than or equal to 50 ft (15.2 m) (= 50 ft (15.2 m)) are in another sector. The jig allocation is removed first before the other sector allocations and is determined through a stepwise process not to exceed 6% of the Federal Pacific cod TAC in either area or fall below 1.5% in the Western GOA and 1% in the Central GOA. The steps are 1% increments and triggered when harvest is above 90% of the jig TAC for the previous year or below 90% of the jig TAC for two consecutive years. The Amendment intended to enhance stability in the Western and Central GOA Pacific cod fisheries, reduce competition among the sectors, and preserve the historical division of catch among sectors.