The Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Fishery Management Plan allocates a portion of Pacific Ocean Perch TAC between the non-AFA trawl catcher/processor sector (referred to as the Amendment80 sector), and all other BSAI trawl vessels (BSAI trawl limited access sector or TLAS) after deductions for CDQ Program allocations, incidental catch amounts except for Pacific cod. The amount of groundfish allocated between trawl sectors after deductions for the CDQ Program and incidental catch allowance is the initial TAC (ITAC). Non-AFA trawl C/P sector: 95% of the ITAC in Area 541 and Area 542 in the first year of the program, decreasing to 90% in the second year of the program. 98% of the ITAC in Area 543. BSAI trawl limited access sector the amount of ITAC remaining after allocation to the nonAFA trawl CP sector.