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GFSAFE001 - Groundfish Economic SAFE: groundfish catch in the commercial fisheries of Alaska by area

The Economic Status Report for Groundfish Fisheries of the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (Groundfish Economic SAFE) is produced annually by NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center to summarize available economic data about federal groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (BSAI). The GFSAFE series of reports presents selected statistics from the Groundfish Economic SAFE describing various aspects of the economic performance of the fisheries, including total and retained catch; bycatch; ex-vessel and first-wholesale production, price, and value; and effort.

Reports Region


YearFMP AreaSpecies GroupCatch (metric tons)
2014All AlaskaAll Groundfish2,254,977
2014All AlaskaAtka Mackerel31,993
2014All AlaskaFlatfish323,636
2014All AlaskaOther Groundfish44,933
2014All AlaskaPacific Cod334,298
2014All AlaskaPollock1,442,864
2014All AlaskaRockfish64,981
2014All AlaskaSablefish12,272
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsAll Groundfish1,928,481
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsAtka Mackerel30,951
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsFlatfish276,050
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsOther Groundfish34,726
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsPacific Cod249,331
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsPollock1,300,224
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsRockfish36,073
2014Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsSablefish1,127
2014Gulf of AlaskaAll Groundfish326,496
2014Gulf of AlaskaAtka Mackerel1,042
2014Gulf of AlaskaFlatfish47,586
2014Gulf of AlaskaOther Groundfish10,207
2014Gulf of AlaskaPacific Cod84,967
2014Gulf of AlaskaPollock142,640
2014Gulf of AlaskaRockfish28,909
2014Gulf of AlaskaSablefish11,145
2015All AlaskaAll Groundfish2,238,870
2015All AlaskaAtka Mackerel54,495
2015All AlaskaFlatfish245,899
2015All AlaskaOther Groundfish45,750
2015All AlaskaPacific Cod321,543
2015All AlaskaPollock1,490,781
2015All AlaskaRockfish68,670
2015All AlaskaSablefish11,733
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsAll Groundfish1,914,258
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsAtka Mackerel53,277
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsFlatfish219,208
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsOther Groundfish36,193
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsPacific Cod242,055
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsPollock1,323,232
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsRockfish39,652
2015Bering Sea and Aleutian IslandsSablefish641
2015Gulf of AlaskaAll Groundfish324,613
2015Gulf of AlaskaAtka Mackerel1,218
2015Gulf of AlaskaFlatfish26,691
2015Gulf of AlaskaOther Groundfish9,556
2015Gulf of AlaskaPacific Cod79,488
2015Gulf of AlaskaPollock167,549
2015Gulf of AlaskaRockfish29,019
2015Gulf of AlaskaSablefish11,092
2016All AlaskaAll Groundfish2,293,549
2016All AlaskaAtka Mackerel55,577
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