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SAFE Title

Pacific Fishery Management Council

Coastal Pelagic Species West Coast Shoreside Landings and Revenue Data

Photo: Pacific Fishery Management Council

Annual Highlights

Stats title

CPS Fisheries in 2023

Total Catch

28,731 mt

metric tons of catch

Exvessel Revenue

$ 33 million

estimated ex-vessel value



vessels fishing



dealers operating


About SAFE

Coastal Pelagic Species West Coast Shoreside Landings and Revenue Data

The Fishery Management Plan for U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS FMP) is the basis for the conservation and management of five species of coastal pelagic species (i.e., Pacific sardine, northern anchovy, Pacific mackerel, Jack mackerel, and market squid) which are landed off of California, Oregon, and Washington. Notably, northern anchovy is managed as two distinct subpopulations, the central subpopulation which is landed from waters off of the coast of California, and the northern subpopulation which is landed from waters off of the coast of Oregon and Washington. Section 4.7 of the CPS FMP describes the production of an annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation report, or SAFE. The SAFE provides the Pacific Fishery Management Council with a summary of information about the condition of CPS stocks and their marine ecosystems, as well as the social and economic condition of recreational and commercial fisheries and fishing communities. This CPS SAFE Portal, developed and maintained by the Pacific Fisheries Information Network, provides a point of public access to CPS fisheries landings, revenues and participation data. This Portal accompanies information found in the online SAFE on the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s website.

Although both Pacific sardine and market squid have been the primary target species of commercial importance, participants in the fishery depend on landings from five species (i.e., Pacific sardine, northern anchovy, Pacific mackerel, Jack mackerel, and market squid) in the management group. Northern anchovy is managed as two distinct subpopulations, the central subpopulation which is landed from waters off of the coast of California, and the northern subpopulation which is landed from waters off of the coast of Oregon and Washington.

This Portal is organized in several tabs. In addition to this “About” landing page, there are Highlights tabs, and an Available Data tab. The Highlights tabs provide fishery specific information, including a brief description of the fishery; catch, revenues, and participation trends; and average landings composition by species. These tabs include annual CPS landings and annual revenue information stratified by species, gear, and region. Each tab has a series of sub-tabs. Each sub-tab includes figures presenting the information and a brief description of the material covered. Each figure may be downloaded as a *.png file.

The Available Data tab provides access to detailed data reports. These reports present non-confidential landings, revenues, and participation data by species, major gear categories, and region. Users may filter the data and download it for further processing and use.



For more information, or to provide comments or feedback, please email (PacFIN staff) or (Pacific Council staff).

CPS Landings and Revenue

CPS Landings and Revenue

The first graph below shows landings in metric tons and inflation-adjusted ex-vessel revenue from species managed under the Council’s four FMPs. For CPS this has varied from $20.97 million million to $90.65 million million during this period. As a portion of total West Coast ex-vessel revenue (including species not managed under Council FMPs) this equates to between 0.9% and 3.8%.

The second graph below shows revenues and landings for the shore-based commercial CPS fishery. In 2023, CPS revenues totaled roughly $32.60 million, and CPS landings totaled roughly 30,303 metric tons.

The third graph below shows the number of participant vessels and dealers that are engaged in the CPS fishery. In 2023 there were 178 vessels and 83 dealers participating in the CPS fishery with either positive landings revenues or landings expenditures, respectively.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

PFMC FMP Revenues

PFMC FMP Landings

CPS Revenues and Landings

CPS Participant Vessels and Dealers

Species Highlights



Species Overview


The Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS) fishery has been an economically valuable fishery for California, Oregon, and Washington for more than 100 years. Although both Pacific sardine and market squid have been the primary target species of commercial importance, participants in the fishery depend on landings from five species (i.e., Pacific sardine, northern anchovy, Pacific mackerel, Jack mackerel, and market squid) in the management group. Northern anchovy is managed as two distinct subpopulations, the central subpopulation which is landed from waters off of the coast of California, and the northern subpopulation which is landed from waters off of the coast of Oregon and Washington.

The primary gear utilized in the CPS fishery consist of purse seine gear. Depending on species, the fishing season is based on both a calendar year and fishing season (Pacific Mackerel and Pacific Sardine).

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Ex-vessel Revenues by Species

CPS Landings by Species

Pacific Sardine


Pacific Sardine



The primary directed fishery for Pacific sardine remains closed, having closed July 1st, 2015 after it was declared overfished. While the primary directed fishery for Pacific sardine remains closed, Pacific sardine continues to play an important role in West Coast fisheries through its integration as live bait in West Coast recreational fisheries – primarily in Southern California- and in the commercial Albacore fishing in Oregon and Washington.

During the first half of the 20th century, areas of fishing for Pacific sardine included the waters off Vancouver Island, Canada; Grays Harbor, Washington; Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon; San Francisco, Monterey, San Pedro, and San Diego, California; and Ensenada and Cedros Island, Mexico (Clark and Marr, 1955). The fishery eventually contracted, with successive closures in the late 1940s and early 1950s (Radovich 1982).

The fishery for Pacific sardine started up again in the mid 1990s. However, after a peak in 2012, the coastwide sardine stock declined, and has been closed to directed commercial fishing since 2015. The live-bait and minor directed fisheries for Pacific sardine still operate.

Pacific Sardine ex-vessel revenues for California, Oregon, and Washington totaled $1.06 million in the 2023 calendar year. Pacific Sardine landings totaled 1,713 metric tons in 2023. As a percentage of CPS totals, Pacific Sardine landings accounted for 3.3% of CPS revenues and 5.7% of CPS landings in 2023.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.


Pacific Sardine Ex-vessel Revenues

Pacific Sardine Landings

Pacific Mackerel


Pacific Mackerel



Pacific Mackerel ex-vessel revenues for California, Oregon, and Washington totaled $397,997 in 2023 calendar year. Pacific Mackerel landings totaled 753 metric tons in 2023. As a percentage of CPS totals, Pacific Mackerel landings accounted for 1.2% of CPS revenues and 2.5% of CPS landings in 2023.

The Pacific Mackerel fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.


Pacific Mackerel Ex-vessel Revenues

Pacific Mackerel Landings

Jack Mackerel


Jack Mackerel



Jack Mackerel ex-vessel revenues for California, Oregon, and Washington totaled $138,467 in 2023. Jack Mackerel landings totaled 973 metric tons in 2023 calendar year. As a percentage of CPS totals, Jack Mackerel landings accounted for 0.4% of CPS revenues and 3.2% of CPS landings in 2023.

There is no current fishery targeting Jack Mackerel in Oregon or Washington. Landings there are from incidental catch in fisheries targeting other species.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.


Jack Mackerel Ex-vessel Revenues

Jack Mackerel Landings

Northern Anchovy Central


Northern Anchovy Central Subpopulation


Northern Anchovy central subpopulation ex-vessel revenues for California totaled $575,911 in the 2023 calendar year. Northern Anchovy central subpopulation landings totaled 3,123 metric tons in 2023. As a percentage of CPS totals, Northern Anchovy central subpopulation landings accounted for 1.8% of CPS revenues and 10.3% of CPS landings in 2023.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Northern Anchovy Central Ex-vessel Revenues

Northern Anchovy Central Landings

Northern Anchovy Northern


Northern Anchovy Northern Subpopulation


Northern Anchovy northern subpopulation ex-vessel revenues for Oregon and Washington totaled $29,985 in the 2023 calendar year. Northern Anchovy northern subpopulation landings totaled 31 metric tons in 2023. As a percentage of CPS totals, Northern Anchovy northern subpopulation landings accounted for 0.1% of CPS revenues and 0.1% of CPS landings in 2023.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Northern Anchovy Northern Ex-vessel Revenues

Northern Anchovy Northern Landings

Market Squid


Market Squid


Market Squid ex-vessel revenues for California and Oregon totaled $30.40 million in the 2023 calendar year. Market Squid landings totaled 23,709 metric tons in the 2023 calendar year. As a percentage of CPS totals, Market Squid landings accounted for 93.2% of CPS revenues and 78.2% of CPS landings in 2023.

Market squid currently accounts for the majority of CPS landings and revenues. While the fishery has traditionally focused on fishing grounds off of southern California, it has more recently expanded into northern California and Oregon waters.

There is no current directed fishery for market squid in Washington state.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Market Squid Ex-vessel Revenues

Market Squid Landings

Region Highlights



Region Overview


The CPS fishery operates throughout the West Coast of the United States. In this section the West Coast is subdivided into the following regions: southern California, northern California, Oregon, and Washington.

Figure 1 reports the annual West Coast CPS ex-vessel revenues (2023$) for the period 2014 to 2023. Revenues are provided for the aggregate CPS fishery, as well as by region. Figure 2 reports the annual West Coast total landings (MT) of CPS for the period 2014 to 2023. Landings are provided for the aggregate CPS fishery, as well as by region.

Region is defined by PACFIN_PORT_CODE and AGENCY_CODE as follows: southern California includes port codes from San Diego in the south to Morro Bay in the north, northern California includes port codes from Monterey in the south to Crescent City in the north, and Oregon and Washington are state-specific.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Ex-vessel Revenues by Region

CPS Landings by Region

Southern California


Southern California


Southern California had total CPS revenues of $31.62 million (2023$) and landings of 25,625 metric tons in 2023. During the 2023 fishing year, Southern California accounted for 97.0% of West Coast revenues and 84.6% of West Coast landings.

CPS target species in Southern California include Pacific sardine, northern anchovy central subpopulation, and market squid.

Southern California includes port codes from San Diego in the south to Morro Bay in the north.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Southern California Ex-vessel Revenues

Southern California Landings

Northern California


Northern California


Northern California had total CPS revenues of $895,615 (2023$) and landings of 3,574 metric tons in 2023. During the the 2023 fishing year, Northern California accounted for 2.7% of West Coast revenues and 11.8% of West Coast landings.

Major target species in Northern California include Pacific sardine, northern anchovy central subpopulation, and market squid.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Northern California Ex-vessel Revenues

Northern California Landings





Oregon had total CPS revenues of $28,788 (2023$) and landings of 783 metric tons in 2023. During the the 2023 fishing year, Oregon accounted for 0.1% of West Coast revenues and 2.6% of West Coast landings.

Major target species in Oregon state include include Pacific sardine, northern anchovy northern subpopulation, and market squid.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Oregon Ex-vessel Revenues

Oregon Landings





Washington had total CPS revenues of $62,088 (2023$) and landings of 321 metric tons in 2023. During the the 2023 fishing year, Washington accounted for 0.2% of West Coast revenues and 1.1% of West Coast landings.

Major target species in Washington state include Pacific sardine and northern anchovy northern subpopulation.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Washington Ex-vessel Revenues

Washington Landings

Gear Highlights





The West Coast CPS fishery lands coastal pelagic species with multiple gear types. In this section these gear types are subdivided into the following, lampara / round haul net / seine net, and an “other” group which includes: dip net gear, trawl gear, hook and line gear, and other or miscellaneous gear types. Note, all shoreside landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of landings. For example, CPS landings made by vessels using trawl gear in federal waters are incidental catch as these vessels are targeting other species because trawl gear is not a legal gear type for targeting CPS in these waters.

Figure 1 reports the annual West Coast CPS ex-vessel revenues (2023$) for the period 2014 to 2023. Revenues are provided for the aggregate CPS fishery, as well as by gear category. Figure 2 reports the annual West Coast total landings (MT) of CPS for the period 2014 to 2023. Landings are provided for the aggregate CPS fishery, as well as by gear category.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Ex-vessel Revenues by Gear

CPS Landings by Gear

Round haul net/Lampara


Round haul net/Lampara


West Coast CPS revenues using Round haul net/Lampara in 2023 totaled $31.38 million (2023$) with 28,428 metric tons in landings. This represents 96.2% and 93.8% percent of West Coast CPS revenues and landings, respectively.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Round haul net/Lampara Ex-vessel Revenues

Round haul net/Lampara Landings

Other Gear


Other Gear


West Coast CPS revenues using Other category in 2023 totaled $1.23 million (2023$) with 1,875 metric tons in landings. This represents 3.8% and 6.2% percent of West Coast CPS revenues and landings, respectively.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

Other Gear Ex-vessel Revenues

Other Gear Landings

Participant Highlights





This tab reports on the level and degree of participation by vessels and dealers / processors in the West Coast CPS fishery. Dealers are defined as processor companies or buyers that process or receive the delivery of fish. Principal vessels and dealers are defined as participants for which a majority of ex-vessel revenues in the case of vessels or ex-vessel revenue expenditures in the case of dealers correspond to the pertinent fishery (e.g. CPS, CPS finfish, or CPS market squid).

CPS West Coast landings of finfish and market squid were made by 178 vessels and delivered to 83 dealers in the 2023 calendar year. Of the vessels landing CPS finfish and market squid in 2023, there were 62 principal vessels receiving a majority share of their 2023 ex-vessel revenues from Market Squid, 20 principal vessels receiving a majority share of their 2023 ex-vessel revenues from CPS finfish, and 96 vessels receiving a positive 2023 ex-vessel revenues from CPS. Vessels with non-revenue generating CPS landings are not reported on in this section.

The distribution over the vessel fleet of the annual revenue share attributed to CPS landings for the five-year period of 2019 to 2023 is presented. Roughly 39% of the vessel-years observed made 90% or more of their annual revenues from CPS landings, while roughly 47% of the vessel-years observed made less than 10% of their annual revenues from CPS landings. The remaining roughly 14% percent of the vessel-years had over 10% or more and under 90% of their annual revenues from CPS landings.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Vessels

Annual Vessel Revenue Share attributes to CPS

Finfish Vessels


Finfish Vessels


CPS West Coast landings of finfish were made by a total of 151 vessels in 2023. CPS finfish revenues accounted for the majority of annual vessel revenues for 20 vessels in 2023; another 131 vessels earned positive revenues from landings of CPS finfish that accounted for less than 50% of their annual revenues. Example

The distribution over the vessel fleet of the annual revenue share attributed to CPS finfish landings for the five-year period of 2019 to 2023 is presented. Roughly 9% of the vessel-years observed made 90% or more of their annual revenues from CPS finfish landings, while roughly 78% of the vessel-years observed made less than 10% of their annual revenues from CPS finfish landings. The remaining roughly 13% percent of the vessel-years had over 10% or more and under 90% of their annual revenues from CPS finfish landings.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Finfish Vessels

Annual Vessel Revenue Share attributes to CPS Finfish

Market Squid Vessels


Market Squid Vessels


CPS West Coast landings of market squid were made by 75 vessels in 2023. CPS market squid revenues accounted for the majority of annual vessel revenues for 62 vessels in 2023; another 13 vessels earned positive revenues from landings of CPS market squid that accounted for less than 50% of their annual revenues.

The distribution over the vessel fleet of the annual revenue share attributed to CPS market squid landings for the five-year period of 2019 to 2023 is presented. Roughly 59% of the vessel-years observed made 90% or more of their annual revenues from CPS market squid landings, while roughly 13% of the vessel-years observed made less than 10% of their annual revenues from CPS market squid landings. The remaining roughly 28% percent of the vessel-years had over 10% or more and less than 90% of their annual revenues from CPS market squid landings.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Market Squid Vessels

Annual Vessel Revenue Share attributes to CPS Market Squid

CPS Dealers


CPS Dealers


CPS West Coast purchases of CPS finfish and market squid were made by 84 dealers in 2023. CPS revenues accounted for the majority of annual landings purchases for 39 dealers in 2023; another 45 dealers made purchases CPS finfish that accounted for less than 50% of their annual landings expenditure.

The distribution over dealers of the annual landings expenditures share attributed to CPS landings for the five-year period of 2019 to 2023 is presented. Roughly 29% of the dealer-years observed made 90% or more of their annual landings expenditures from CPS landings, while roughly 59% of the dealer-years observed made less than 10% of their annual landings expenditures from CPS landings. The remaining roughly 12% percent of the dealer-years had over 10% and under 90% of their annual landings expenditures from CPS landings.

Data Considerations:

  1. All shoreside commercial landings and revenues are reported, regardless of whether they originate from targeted, incidental, or other categories of commercial fishing.
  2. All annual statistics utilize the calendar year. The fishing season does not correspond to the annual calendar year for some fisheries.
  3. All aggregates with fewer than three vessels or dealers are considered confidential and are removed from reporting.
  4. Landings and revenue data from the California live-bait fishery were incorporated into the PacFIN in 2019. Fishery statistics from the period prior to 2019 do not include the live-bait fishery, fishery statistics from 2019 and later include the live-bait fishery.

CPS Dealers

Annual Dealer Expenditure Share attributes to CPS

Available Data

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